At 30 June 2019 LIFE_ADAPTCITY_PL project has finished. Due to that fact webpage has began an archive of the project actions, products and results.
News about adaptation to climate change will be now published by the team of Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation on the website Technically website has been ceized to Warsaw City Hall from 1 July 2019. All the link in this news lead to the archival webpage
The project has started on 1 July 2014. For five years there have been a plan of actions realised, which lead to the preparation of Projekt LIFE_ADAPTCITY_PL rozpoczął się 1 lipca 2014 roku. Przez 5 lat w projekcie zrealizowano plan działań, którego zwieńczeniem jest przygotowanie The Strategy of Adaptation to climate change for Warszaw until 2030 with a perspective to 2050.
More products of the project are: [all can be also accessed here: >>DO POBRANIA]:
- Report from the monitoring of the cities activities on adaptation (PL), Instytute for Sustainable Development Foundation (2015) [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>]
- Monitoring of cities activities on adaptation (PL), Union of Polish Metropolises, (2015): DATA [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>], RESULTS DESCRIPTION [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>]
- Initial study on monitoring of project environmental problem (PL) (2016) [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>]
- Climate map od Warsaw (PL) (2016) [link do strony internetowej 1] [link do strony internetowej 2]
- Brochure on adaptation of cities to climate change (PL) (2017) [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>]
- Analysis of Warsaw City strategic documents in the light of adaptation to climate change (PL) (2016) [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>] Executive summary [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>]
- Educational film „Hot, hotter, hottest. City and climate change”. (PL and EN) (2016) [film can be viewed on You Tube: (PL) wersja polskojęzyczna, (EN) wersja angielskojęzyczna]
- Reports from the qualitative and quantitative research on opinion of Warsaw citizens about climate change (PL) (2016) [pobierz wyniki badania ilościowego w formacie .pdf>>>, pobierz wyniki badania jakościowego w formacie .pdf>>>] and (2018): badanie_ilosciowe_adaptcity_2018_0(1); badanie_jakosciowe_adaptcity_2018_0 (1)
- Assumptions to „The Strategy of adaptation to climate change for Warsaw until 2030 with a perspective to 2050” (PL)(2017)
- Report from the public consultation of the Strategy – first round of consultation (PL) (2017) [pobierz dokument w formacie .pdf>>>], second round of consultation (PL) (2019): [pobierz PDF>>>][Pobierz ze strony Urzędu Miasta w formacie PDF].
- Project of the Strategy of adaptation to climate change for Warsaw (PL) (2018) [pobierz PDF>>>] [Pobierz ze strony Urzędu Miasta Warszawy PDF] and the Strategy that has been adopted by the Warsaw city Councill on 4th July 2019 [pobierz PDF –PL>>>][pobierz PDF –EN>>>]
- Conference papers of the international conference (PL and EN) (2018) [pobierz PDF>>>] [Pozostałe materiały]
- Education path about climate change in Dolina Służewiecka Park (PL) [materiały na stronie Służewskiego Domu Kultury]
- Handbook on adaptation to climate change in the cities (PL) (2018) [pobierz PDF – 22MB>>>]
- Second report on monitoring of cities action on adaptation to climate change – Climate in the eyes of local authorities (PL)(2018) [pobierz PDF – 5MB>>>]
- Final analysis on the project environmental problem – Warsaw from Space (PL) (2018) [pobierz PDF – 35MB>>>]
- Laymans Report in Polish [pobierz PDF>>>] and English [Laymans EN>>>]
- After LIFE Communication Plan [pobierz PDF – PL>>>][pobierz PDF – EN>>>]
You can also find on the website prsentatinos from the conferences held in 2017-2018 under the name „Metropolitan Climate Forums” (PL) [>>ZOBACZ]
LIFE_ADAPTCITY_PL project was cofinanced by LIFE+ European Comission financial instrument and National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
Project was realised by the consortium with: Institute for Sustainable Development Fundation, the City of Warsaw, Union of Polish Metropolises and Verband Region Stuttgart.