English version
Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation
The Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD) is a non-governmental think-tank type organisation which was found in 1990 on the initiative of few members of the Polish Ecological Club. ISD works for the promotion and implementation of the principles and solutions which contribute to Poland’s sustainable development.
ISD Foundation have been recognised as first Polish and Central European think-tank (14th in Europe, 49th in the World) in the field of environment in Go To Think-Tank Index opinion pool of University of Pennsylvania since 2016 [2016 see>>] [2017 see>>][2018 see>>][2019 see>>]
In its activities, the Institute is guided by its mission to:
- build positive relations between socio-economic development and environmental protection;
- act in the interest of the present and future generations.
The Institute is a member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), CAN-Europe, Regional Center for Excellence in Sustainability Education Warsaw Metropolitan (UN certified) and takes part in the national NGO coalitions, e.g. the Climate, for EU Funds and Forum for the Animation of Rural Areas.
You can find out a little bit more on the EEB 2016 Annual Conference poster. OPEN PDF
Under the following links you can find English information about some of our projects:
Together for 1,5 (2022-onwards) as a partner of CAN-Europe (BE), projected own budget: 152 154 EUR, LIFE contribution: 91 292 EUR, own contribution: 60 862 EUR, project duration 3yrs (2022-2025)
Civic-debates on climate as a partner of Field of Dialogue (2021-2023), projected own budget: 11 275 EUR, Norway grant: 11 275 EUR, duration 2 yrs (2021-2023)
Towards Climate Neutral EU: Efficient allocation of EU funds (2021-2023) as a partner of CEEweb for biodiversity, projected own budget: 65 562 EUR, EUKI contribution: 62 284 EUR, own contribution: 3 278 EUR, project duration: 2yrs, 3 months (2021-2023)
SPARK (2022-2023), Our role: leader, projected own budget 31000 EUR, duration 13 months (IX 2022- IX 2023).
UNIFY (2019-2022) as a partner of CAN-Europe (BE), own budget 271 213,40 EUR, LIFE grant: 149 167,37 EUR, NFOŚiGW grant: 77 018,30 EUR, own constribution: 45 027,90 EUR, project duration 3yrs (2018-2021).
City Water Cycles (2019-2022) as a partner of Zuglo (Budapest, HU) municipality, own budget: 158 841,61 EUR, Interreg contribution: 135 015,41 EUR, own contribution: 23 826,25 EUR, project duration: 3yrs (2017-2020)
ADAPTCITY (2014-2019)
or in the news or project subpage with involvement of Verband Region Stuttgart (DE), our role: leader, full budget: 1 028 362 EUR, LIFE contribution: 514 181 EUR, NFOŚiGW contribution: 462 762 EUR, own contribution: 6 237 EUR, project duration: 5,5 yrs (2015-2019)
Make Europe Sustainable for All (2017-onwards), as a partner of European Environmental Bureau (BE), own budget: 98 506 EUR, DEAR contribution: 92 579 EUR, own contribution: 5 927 EUR, duration: 3 yrs (2018-2020)
LIFE_WZROST (2016-2018), as a partner of WWF Poland
Close to nature (Tourism in Nature 2000 areas)
Good climate for the counties – DOKLIP (2010-2015) with involvement of Community Energy Plus (GB), our role: leader
Join in! (2012-2014)
Motto and activities
Foundation works under the motto: …in the interest of future generations
Activities of the foundation focus on 10 themes:
Energy – demand side management, increase of energy efficiency and support for renewable.
Transport – sustainable mobility, treating equally the road, rail, public and nonmotorized modes of transport
Rural areas – promotion of the sustainable development of rural areas with landscape and nature protection as well as non-farming forms of employment on rural areas (particularly through the development of tourism).
Urban areas – improving the living conditions of the inhabitants, controlling of city sprawl and sustainable use of city resources
Jobs – creation of environmentally friendly entrepreneurship and raising the environmental awareness of business
Climate protection – supporting the integration between climate policy and the economic development; working on changes of the public behavior towards more sustainable consumption; adaptation to climate change
Natura 2000 – promotion of the development which protects and strengthens the natural capital together with searching for patterns to use the areas with natural values for environmentally friendly local development – particularly through tourism
Competitiveness – creation of an economy which increasingly takes into account the external costs (environmental and social ones) and intends to phase out environmentally harmful subsidies
EU structural funds and Cohesion Fund – indicating the possibilities of the effective use of these Funds, strengthening of the sustainable development and preventing the excessive consumption of natural resources
Strategic assessments – expanding the scope of using of the strategic environmental assessments as an instrument to integrate environmental policy into other policies
Contact details
Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation
ul. Nabielaka 15 lok. 1
00-743 Warsaw, Poland
tel. (00-48) 22 851 04 02, fax. (00-48) 22 851 04 00
Bank account: 53 1240 1024 1111 0010 1422 8655
Registration number: 0000134492
VAT number: 5221006268
If you wish to write us immediately use the internet form: CLICK